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Friday, November 9, 2018

Side Effect (FAWM 2018)

Side Effect

2018-03-01 @ 05:41am
Ugh this is so rough. Candidate for March Offal Polishing (MOP). Gonna edit severely.


Wake up wake up don't turn on the news
Don't give negativity any views
When there's nothing, nothing you can do
To fix it, just ignore it

Rich old men calling policy
Causing destitution and poverty
For everyone, everyone but themselves They called not it, not it

Watch the world's blood wash down the drain
{This is kindergarten politics
Don't care
Caring is too much pain
Just a side effect}

Before they caused the world to burn
They built themselves big bunkers
They pride themselves on not giving a damn
But that's just a side effect
Of the medications they're on
Entitlement, greed, lust and heroin

Multiple lacerations on the vein
Gaia's in the ICU in pain
Are you ready, you ready to watch mother slain

From a million trees cut down
Airplane trails across the sky
As the insects and the songbirds die

Nero fiddled while Rome burned down
I just wanna skip out of town
Orange disaster in a big white house
But it's just a side effect

I only hoped for my life to count for something good
If that makes me better
It's just a side effect


  • inflatable vegetables - 2018-03-03 @ 06:28pm
    After reading this, I get the impression you're not a Trump supporter :) I like MOP. This year I don't have much to polish. Thanks for posting this!

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